- Report for Amsky after the South China Exhibition 03-23-2012
- Amsky, Dedicated to the 19th South China Exhibition with Packaging Solutions 02-25-2012
- Amsky, Dedicated to the South Exhibition with UV CTP of Autofocus Function 02-10-2012
- Amsky Selected "Ten New Brand" in “Ten Appraise and Elect of Printing Industry Named Lucky Film” 12-05-2011
- All in Print China in 2011 11-01-2011
- Newsletter: Amsky Promotes New AURORA Automatic Plate Making System 10-13-2011
- Amsky, Dedicated to the 2nd International Printing Technology Exhibition of China Guangdong 05-22-2011
- The 2nd International Printing Technology Exhibition of China Guangdong Opened Ceremoniously 03-12-2011
- Polytech Boosts Output Center, Becoming New Favorite of CTP Age 12-22-2010
- CTP Market Highlights Opportunities of Output Company’s Transition 09-02-2010